Dare To Share?

From a very early age I was taught to share – even though we had nothing and this need to share has never left me.

When I visit camera clubs to do may presentations I am regularly thanked for sharing my “knowledge” and people often say that they are surprised I am so open as to how I “do things”. I have lost count of the number of people who tell me that so and so at their club knows how to do something to a high standard but when asked how they did it will say “oh, I’ve forgetting how I did that…. I did it a long time ago”… or similar statements.

Whether it be camera settings, what lighting was used, how a picture was constructed or even the name of the model featured in the photograph, many people will keep this information closely guarded.

In some ways I understand. If you have taken the time and trouble to learn something (especially if you have paid for that information) does it sit comfortably to then pass on that newly gleaned information to others ? I have heard people say “I had to learn how to do such and such a thing so everyone else should do the same and find out for themselves……why should I teach them”. I also understand that for some people telling others how they (for example) put their picture together might help others to “beat them in the monthly comps” – I have heard this reason for not helping others time and time again, I have also had personal experience of that particular mind set when the person involved would always shrug and smile when asked how they had created the image.

I was told a few years ago “that I was crazy” to show people how I did my textured images – I was told that I should “keep it a secret and tell no-one”. Those that know me know I didn’t take any notice of that piece of advice and there are lots and LOTS of people who have attended my workshops and those people are now producing some lovely textured images. Am I dismayed about that fact … not in the least ! I am thrilled to bits that they have embraced what I have shown them and gone off and done their own thing.

I try and help and give advise to as many people as I can – people come to my home for a one to one, I give critiques over the internet and I also run a Face Book group which is dedicated to help people be more creative. This is all done free of charge and I do it willingly in the hope that some (if not all) may benefit from the little bit of input I give them

Helping others improve is a great gift and seeing them blossom and move forward is a wonderful thing and I for one throughly recommend it.


… and the leaves that were green turn to brown……

..and the leaves that were green turn to brown… a line from a Paul Simon song.

So it’s autumn and the leaves are changing colour now  and I thought I would do a digital painting to celebrate the fact.

A bit more of a a subtle digital painting this time.

The leaves WERE actually green and I HAVE turned then to brown – does that make me Mother Nature or a picture manipulator?

Thanks Mr. Simon for the inspiration.

Back In The Studio

Today I have been in my studio photographing the very lovely Stephanie Dubois – we also photographed outside…. but that’s another story and set of images.

We both had a super time even though we ended up getting nettled (Stephanie more than me though)

Here is the first portrait hot off the press… lots more to come

Steph Studio 1

The Secret Garden – Not Secret Anymore

The photographic session last week has resulted in quite a number of images featuring the lovley Sarah (Model) and the make up magic of Melanie and I have called the whole set The Secret Garden – I have to say that I am thrilled with the results (thus far)

Secret garden 3

 I have put together a few from the set and will continue to work on the other pictures to produce a whole series themed around The Secret Garden.

Secret Garden 1

The pictures will be form part of an exhibition in a local Gallery and I can’t wait to see them gracing the walls 🙂

Sarah 2

Thanks for all of your lovely comments – they are much appreciated x

The Secret Garden


The Secret Garden

Here is the latest picture from the recent shoot with Melanie Doyle and Sarah Reed

It’s so rewarding working with like minded people who go the extra mile to achieve the “shot” that is lurking somewhere in the back of my mind – both Melanie & Sarah were and are a dream to work with and be around.

The Secret Garden

I think I am going to call this “The Secret Garden”  unless I think of a Queenly title – thought of Queen Of The Fairies… but should she have wings??

There are lots more to come from this shoot and its spawned more ideas for future themes 🙂

Reina de las Estrellas

So… here is picture number 2 from the Queen set of images.

It’s the same model but a different kind of Queenly style – this time the lovely Stephanie Dubois is Reina de las Estrellas, the Queen Of The Stars.  The make up was again skilfully applied by the wonderful Melanie Doyle

Reina de las Estrellas


Like the previous Floral Queen, this costume (well almost a costume –  she isn’t wearing anything else from the collar downwards !) has provided a few alternative “looks”  and hopefully they will bubble to the surface as the weeks go on.


Fine Art Nudes – Another Day Of Wonderfulness

Super excited about tomorrow when another Fine Art Nude Shoot takes place



_DSC5061 as Smart Object-1



The picture above is from a recent shoot with the very beautiful Faith Obae – tomorrow will be the first time I (and the other photographers attending the shoot) will have photographed the equally talented and beautiful Anna Rose.

Its always really fantastic to work with photographers who start off “a bit nervous” photographing Fine Art Nudes for the first time… but after a while (and with a bit of gentle encouragement from me) relax and enjoy the experience.

My bags are packed full of corsets and peacock feather frippery (obviously not for me) and I am sure Anna Rose will look fantastic in or out of the costumes

Apologies to those people who contacted me wanting to book onto the next Fine Art Nude shoot – this one was sold out before it was even “advertised” ……but there will be more coming very soon and I promise to let everyone know about it as soon as I have set the date.

Fine Art Nude 14th June – SOLD OUT


Just a quick update to say that the Fine Art Nude Photo Shoot on the 14th June is now fully sold out.

Thanks to all who have booked on the photographic sessions and apologies to all who were a bit late in requesting a place.


If you are interested in any further Fine Art Nude Photo Shoots or indeed a Fine Art Nude Workshop (for those people who would like to photograph Fine Art Nudes but haven’t done anything like it before) please contact me using the form below – I will keep you updated on future events

Fine Art Nude Studio Shoot 14th June (Only 3 Places Left)

The Fine Art Nude Photo Session scheduled for Sunday 14th June is almost sold out.



There are only 2 places left on the morning session starting at 9:30am and 1 place left on the afternoon session starting at 2:00pm.

There will be a maximum of 3 photographers to each model and the photographic shoot will take place in a studio north of Manchester.

We have 2 of the finest Fine Art Nude models around at the moment Freda and Raphaella Withlove. I have photographed both of these ladies before (Raphaella – a few years ago) and both are a delight to work with.



If you would like more information about this photographic session please fill in the contact form below and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.