The Secret Garden – Not Secret Anymore

The photographic session last week has resulted in quite a number of images featuring the lovley Sarah (Model) and the make up magic of Melanie and I have called the whole set The Secret Garden – I have to say that I am thrilled with the results (thus far)

Secret garden 3

 I have put together a few from the set and will continue to work on the other pictures to produce a whole series themed around The Secret Garden.

Secret Garden 1

The pictures will be form part of an exhibition in a local Gallery and I can’t wait to see them gracing the walls 🙂

Sarah 2

Thanks for all of your lovely comments – they are much appreciated x

The Secret Garden


The Secret Garden

Here is the latest picture from the recent shoot with Melanie Doyle and Sarah Reed

It’s so rewarding working with like minded people who go the extra mile to achieve the “shot” that is lurking somewhere in the back of my mind – both Melanie & Sarah were and are a dream to work with and be around.

The Secret Garden

I think I am going to call this “The Secret Garden”  unless I think of a Queenly title – thought of Queen Of The Fairies… but should she have wings??

There are lots more to come from this shoot and its spawned more ideas for future themes 🙂

Queen Of The Flowers – Revisited

Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of working again with the very wonderful Melanie Doyle (Make Up Artist extraordinaire) and the very lovely Sara Reed, whom I met for the first time (but not the last, I hasten to add)

The shoot was the continuation of my Queen series of images and we explored another avenue relating to the Queen Of Flowers

Sarah 1a

My hall (lots of natural overhead light) served as the studio and Sarah languished for many an hour on a bed of flowers whilst Melanie and I scurried around tossing flowers hither and thither around the reclining floral Queen.

Melanie again worked her magic and Sarah was a patiently splendid Queen (even when she was reclining half naked on a bed of flowers when the post man arrived with a parcel…..eeeek)

We now have our next set of images beginning to take shape and therefore in the pipeline and I very much look forward to working with Melanie & Sarah in the very near future.

Sarah 2


In the meantime….. I have loads of images that need to be worked on.

The above are a couple of VERY QUICK edits 🙂