Reina de las Estrellas

So… here is picture number 2 from the Queen set of images.

It’s the same model but a different kind of Queenly style – this time the lovely Stephanie Dubois is Reina de las Estrellas, the Queen Of The Stars.  The make up was again skilfully applied by the wonderful Melanie Doyle

Reina de las Estrellas


Like the previous Floral Queen, this costume (well almost a costume –  she isn’t wearing anything else from the collar downwards !) has provided a few alternative “looks”  and hopefully they will bubble to the surface as the weeks go on.


5 responses to “Reina de las Estrellas

  1. Hello Joan Love the picture and looking forward how you develop this further I wish i had your creative skill. Regards Steven


  2. Stunning!!! How I envy you having such beautiful models to work with. Oh how I wish I could have been there!!!!! I would give anything to be able to produce such wonderful images.


  3. Stunning!!! How I envy you having such beautiful models to work with. Oh how I wish I could have been there!!!!! I would give anything to be able to produce such wonderful images. Your artistry know no bounds.


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